Why not to make a New Year's Resolution in January


Understanding the principles of Nature and Ayurveda

Aspired Elements’ own Ayurvedic Practitioner and owner was recently featured on KOLO News speaking about the New Year and why most resolutions should be made in a different season. Read below and visit the link to watch the video.

New Year's Resolution: Why most fail

KOLO | See original article and video

RENO, Nev. (KOLO) -- We are now a week into the New Year, either you are still going strong with your resolution or you've already abandoned it.

Studies find a lot of people around this time of the year will be in a forgetful mood when it comes to their resolution.

U.S. News and World reports found 80 percent of resolutions fail and most lose their determination by mid-February.

Marie Harger began working in gyms in the 1980’s, taught yoga for the past 25 years and is also an Ayurveda Health Practitioner, which is way of living by using nature and using the principles of nature. She says the reason why most resolutions fail is because of the season.

"If you were to think about planting a garden,” said Harger. “You take that seed and you are not going to plant it in the dead of winter, when the ground is frozen."

Harger says instead people should wait until spring or summer, when there is a lot of energy and the odds of success are greater.

"I'm not saying not to set a goal or not set a resolution, just know that winter time is intense and our environment is showing us that.”

Harger says if you want to start a goal now, be realistic and focus on one goal at a time.


For diet, life-style and routines that are right for you, make an Ayurvedic practitioner appointment today.  The knowledge you gain is long-lasting and will improve your quality of life. 

Yoga Teacher
Ayurveda Practitioner

Laura Levin